Future of Sales - Podcast

Selling value for customers in changing times

In Zeiten kontinuierlicher Veränderung ist es unabdingbar geworden, den Kunden ins Zentrum der Geschäftsentscheidungen zu stellen.  In dieser Folge unserer englischsprachigen „Customer First“ Podcast Serie erörtern Aditya Rath, Tom Lurtz und Walt Becker welche Auswirkungen diese Kundenzentrierung auf Unternehmen und insbesondere den Vertrieb, sowie die damit verbundenen technologischen Anforderungen und Lösungen hat.    



Aditya Rath is a partner at KPMG in India, focused on management consulting and Customer Advisory Lead. He is joined by Tom Lurtz, a Partner in KPMG Germany and Walt Becker, Principal Sales Transformation Lead in the US.

The global panel discuss how the most successful organizations have recognized today’s customer is ‘always on’ and how Sales functions need to look to their tech and digital selling systems to appease and engage with customers. This is particularly important as we transition into the ‘new reality’.

Technology and AI are a crucial focus for Sales functions. The panel discusses the investment that needs to be made and how best to manage spend – how can you ensure and define a return on investment?

The panel deep-dive further into technology and the ‘data journey’ and how connecting the data is key. From previous and real time interactions through to connecting solutions sold, it’s the importance of interpreting the data and creating meaningful connections.

The final topic the panel explore is the future of the Sales Rep and the prevalence of trust within the Sales function. Customers look for familiarity, for empathy. They don’t want to be sold to anymore. They discuss the future of the Trust Manager and the increasingly cyclical nature of the sales process – as we go forth it won’t be clear when the sales process starts and finishes but be more of an ongoing interaction that never ends.

Aditya finishes up the conversation by reverting back to the ‘always on’ customer. The Future of Sales relies on trust and proactivity, alongside broader investment in technology and AI to ensuring meaningful data collection is captured to help inform the sales process. Winning the customer’s trust is key – this is how the Sales function will succeed as we enter into the ‘new reality’.

Jump to:

  • 00:42 min How the connected customer is changing the marketing operating model
  • 03:00 min The ‘always on’ customer
  • 05:27 min Digitization, the multi-channel landscape and solution-focused interactions
  • 08:55 min Driving value through technology and the advent of AI
  • 13:56 min The persona-driven sales process and developing customer relationships
  • 18:25 min Utilising data to create meaningful connections
  • 23:18 min Sales spend management and determining an ROI
  • 27:39 min Spend allocations for sales organizations
  • 29:45 min The future of the Sales Rep
  • 30.22 min The Sales Rep as a Trust Manager and the cyclical sales process
  • 31:29 min Trust based sales and proactively engaging customers
  • 32:28 min Closing remarks

Customer Interaction

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Gestalten der Kundeninteraktion entlang aller Touchpoints eines Unternehmens

In der heutigen Zeit sind Kunden besser informiert, vernetzt und haben höhere Erwartungen an Produkte und legen mehr Wert auf das Kundenerlebnis als je zuvor. Hinzu kommt eine stetig steigende Vielfalt an Produkten, Informationen und Diensten – und das 24/7. In diesem Umfeld wird es für Unternehmen zunehmend schwerer, Kunden zu gewinnen und vor allen Dingen diese auch langfristig zu halten. Daher ist es umso wichtiger für Unternehmen, jede Interaktion mit ihren Kunden möglichst zur vollsten Zufriedenheit zu gestalten. Dafür ist es essentiell, nicht nur den komplexen Kundenlebenszyklus von Anfang bis Ende zu orchestrieren, sondern auch seine Kunden sowie deren Bedürfnisse zu kennen, zu verstehen und in den Fokus zu rücken.

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